Ever get the feeling you're being followed? I remember back in the 80's and seeing the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street." I was walking home from the theater with my friend Paul, we were about 14 or 15 years old. Every time we walked past a dark alley way I got the distinct feeling Freddy Krueger was going to jump out and cut me to pieces. It took us forever to walk home and it was less than a mile!! That was scary to say the least. What a horrible feeling it is when you think someone is following you intending to harm you.
I also remember a time when I was young and riding a bicycle in my neighborhood. I guess I was about four or five years old. The training wheels on my bike were recently removed and I was doing fairly well. Every now and then I would peer over my shoulder and see my mother walking not far behind me. It gave me a warm feeling and let me feel a little more adventurous knowing she was near. I wasn't paying too much attention to what I was doing one time and I was about to take a nasty crash into a fire hydrant. Before I could even hit the fire hydrant, my mother who was behind was now in front of me and stopped me from hitting the hydrant thus prevented me from destroying my bike and injuring myself. Although one time she wasn't around and I did hit the very same hydrant, flying over the handle bars and landing on my side and hands. OUCH! This was before helmets and gloves, when it was safe to nearly kill yourself. Anyway, that time my mom saved me because she has following behind me was awesome. I was so proud of her and it warmed my heart to know she was always looking out for me. It gave me confidence to go forward knowing she was around to help me out.
Let me tell you a little bit about two guys who are always following me around. One guy never gives me my just punishment, what I deserve, whenever I treat him badly. I'm astounded all the time by him. I get some punishment and ramifications when I act badly, but never what I fully deserve. I appreciate this guy a lot. He's a merciful Stalker! Then, there's this other guy who follows me around and he is always giving me things I don't deserve, like gifts. He's a gracious Stalker! Who wouldn't mind having a stalker like that around? These guys I can never get rid of no matter how often I try to run from them. If I try and hide they sneak up on me. When I want to shrink in fear from something in front of me they come up behind me and support me and give me supernatural strength. They are always encouraging and looking out for my good. When I want to quit, they remind me of all the times I made it when I thought I couldn't. As a follower of Jesus Christ I can honestly say these guys are always around. Let me introduce you to goodness (grace) and mercy:
Psalm 23:6-
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (New King James Version)
These are definitely two stalkers you'll always want with you. They will ever remind you of God's faithfulness, goodness, and mercy towards you. They'll help you move forward. They'll strengthen your faith by reminding you of all the times God enabled you to make it when you thought you couldn't move another step.
1 comment:
You're a gifted writer. Keep it up. The Lord is using you.
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