Moving forward is something most people struggle with including myself. Making changes are hard for some of us, especially if you're a creature of habit and structure like me. Change can feel like an intruder when you're set in your ways, as happens to me from time to time.
I often wonder when God told Abram (Abraham) to leave his homeland and to go where God was going to lead him blindly, if he struggled with leaving. Did he have strong emotional ties to his family and friends who he was leaving behind? Did he cry? Did he wonder what job he would have when he got there? Where exactly would they live, in a house, an apartment, or a cave? How would he purchase property without a job? Who would give him a loan to get started? Did he talk everything over with Sarai (Sarah)? Were they in agreement? Were any family members going with them? Did he ever think, "God what are you doing?" Was there ever a time he wanted to give it all up?
If we look at Abraham's life we can see that though God called him out of the land of Ur, there were many fierce trials along the way to seeing God's plan played out in his life. Following God's will is never easy. We will make mistakes just as Abraham did, concealing the true identity of his wife on a few occasions, for example. Abraham was able to humble himself and admit his wrongs. God was faithful to forgive him and give him the grace and strength to go on. There were also times he followed God blindly and God blessed him for it. When he as called to sacrifice his only son Isaac, he did so without hesitation only to have God stop him at the last second in honor of his faith. Sometimes God calls us to sacrifice relationships in order to follow Him and He rewards us with many better relationships. Following God's will entails making sacrifices. The good thing about God is that He gives way better blessings for following His will than whatever we try to reward ourselves with for doing things our way. Abraham became the Father of many nations because he followed God's will. The disciple Peter won thousands of souls for the Kingdom after he left everything behind to follow Jesus. God gives great blessings that only bring the honor and glory back to Him. And, as followers of Jesus, I don't use the term Christian much any more because it has such a broad meaning now days, our very lives are to be lived in giving glory and honor to God our Father. So, wouldn't be joyous and fulfilling to live that way? Though life is hard and has many unexpected surprises we have the Lord as the glory and the lifter of our heads. We have the One who rendered death and hell powerless over us watching our backs all the time! We have eternity in heaven to look forward to! After all compared to eternity, this life is just a whisper in the wind. Here for a second and then gone. Moving forward in faith has eternal rewards beyond compare. It is hard? Yes! Is change and growth in faith worth the sacrifice? Undoubtedly Yes! So as you face your challenges be comforted that the Holy Spirit resides within you. The Lord's eyes are ever upon you. His angels are all about you. He gives us the full armor of God to wear for the battle. He's got your back. What an awesome God! Keep pressing onward and upward for the Lord Your God is with you, never to leave you nor forsake you.
1 comment:
I read Battling To Move Forward a couple times last week and again this evening. Love it Frank! I know you and Lana must really identify with what Abram must have been feeling when he relocated :)
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