Sometimes I wonder if anyone thinks about me. It's usually those lonely isolated times when life is rough and I'm questioning my purpose in life or wondering why I was even born. It's definitely not easy livining life with the state of the world is right now. The econmy in the United States is taking a beating. Gasoline is higher than it was last year and with the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico it doesn't look like prices will drop much in the near future. Unemployment is at an all time high. Inflation is up and salaries remain the same, no raises. More and more Americans are moving back home to live with their families to save and sometimes just to sustain themselves. Banks are closing. Mortgage lenders are being taken over by the government. Homelessness is up. Crime is up. Loss of life in the Middle East is up. Cuba is devastated by hurricanes as is Haiti. Loss of life is all over the news. It's getting hard to live and get by now days. It's easy for people to forget about others and concentrate on their own problems and worries. It's easy to feel forgotten and all alone amidst all the chaos around us.
I'd like to let you know, even though you may question his existence or why bad things happen, God is looking for you. You are on His mind. He's trying to get the world's attention and yours too so people will turn to Him and experience His love and grace. Ever have a yearning from within that tells you there's more to life than what you have experienced? That's God drawing you to Himself. Ever look at the beauty of the sky and have a warm feeling in your heart? That's God letting you know He exists through creation. Ever feel bad when you do something wrong? That's a conscience God has given all humankind reminding us that there are absolute wrongs and rights. It's God's reminder that He created us. That longing for more feeling is what the Bible calls eternity and God has placed eternity in the hearts of all humankind so that we would always long for something more and that something more is a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ His Son. You are not forgotten, ever. God longs to be in relationship with you. All it takes in asking Him to come in and cleanse you of your sins, the things you've done wrong. Ask Him to be Your Lord and Savior. You will never be alone again.
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awesome blog
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